Q&As On High Net Worth Individuals
There is no strict definition for a ‘High Net Worth Individual’ (HNWI) but it is commonly accepted worldwide that to become a HNW member a person will possess over one million dollars in liquid financial assets. With levels of wealth increasing over the decades, a person can also now be categorised as an ultra-HNWI: a person with available assets in excess of 30 million dollars.
Q&As On The 5AMLD For AMPS
Money Laundering and the Coronavirus
Multistorey Money Laundering
This is a specific multistorey car park located in a provincial town in the United Kingdom. I know it well, as I frequently park there. It is built behind one of the town's main shopping streets and has an entrance inside to the back of a major chain store. So it is not really remarkable in any way….
Money Laundering Fundamentals
The perception that still endures of money laundering is of a suspicious character turning up at the counter of a bank with a suitcase (probably helpfully labelled swag) overflowing with used notes. Amazingly in some countries - and with some banks - this may still happen, but nowadays most money launderers run very sophisticated global operations.